How to get rid of bedbugs?
Attracted by the carbon dioxide we produce, bed bugs quickly become a threat. Keeping our environment clean is no longer enough to prevent their intrusion. During an outing outside, we are likely to bring these insects back to our homes without realizing it. How then to proceed to an extermination of these pests? Discover in this article, the favorable indications of our company
Extermination axis
for their extermination.
Description of the bed bug
Bed bugs represent a species of insects without wings with flattened bodies that feed on human and animal blood. These small beasts are usually brown in color. Once they are well nourished, their hue becomes scarlet. They can be housed anywhere in a home. Their favorite places are restricted places. The bed bug is often found in your rooms. So when you sleep, it appears, feeds on your blood and then hides in order to reproduce by the thousands.
In order to notice their presence, bites are made visible on the body. As a rule, these small injuries are not serious on the body. However, some people develop a severe allergy to these bites. It is therefore becoming urgent to take drastic measures against these critters. To this end, our company Axe Extermination offers you its services for a decontamination and a guaranteed extermination of these pests. Based in Montreal, we assure you a prompt resolution of your complication.
Indications for the extermination of bedbugs
Several solutions are possible to eliminate these pests for good . One method is to use diatomaceous earth. This natural insecticide works very effectively against bed bugs. Before using it, put on gloves and a protective mask. Then pour the powder not far from the places where these small insects circulate. Remember to distance pets from Diatomaceous Earth, because it remains intoxicating. If you are unable to do so, we are at your disposal.
In order to carry out an insect extermination correctly, it is possible to use bed bug traps. By placing them around the bunk, a substance is added that has the property of attracting these bad insects. Once their capture is effective, they will die in a short time. These pests can also be disposed of by coating the legs of a bed with Vaseline. In this way, they will not manage to disturb our sleep.
It is advisable to smooth clothes with a steam iron or wash bedding at a temperature of 60 ° C. Always with the intention of exterminating these bad insects, using anti-bedbug covers appears to be a simple and practical trick. Hot water can also be poured into the passages they use for travel or housing. Also vacuum the nooks and crannies of the house and then get rid of its bag by setting it on fire.
Making this species of bedbugs disappear permanently is not an easy task. During a massive invasion of a home, the best solution is to call on the professionalism of an expert in the field. It uses chemicals and uses various techniques that are very effective against insects. For a Pest management Montreal, contact Axe Extermination, your bed bug specialist.
Our extermination and decontamination services
We are located in Montreal and are available at all times for an intervention anywhere in Quebec. Our services include the pest prevention, animal capture and also specialized repair. We guarantee an irreproachable quality of services. For any problem relating to bed bugs in your home or business, we answer your call.
Axe Extermination is responsible for the decontamination of all your buildings. We use ecological products to satisfy our customers while preserving the environment. Each exterminator of our structure perfectly masters the safety protocols for a removal of bed bugs. We therefore ensure the serenity of your entire household while we work.
Our extermination group is also available for caulking. By blocking the spaces used as displacement For these small insects, we prevent any intrusion and infestation. With the help of our specialized work services, we make the desired modifications to your home. Bedbugs can cause material and structural damage by settling in buildings. Our expertise will repair all this damage.
In order to get rid of bedbugs, there is no shortage of solutions to adopt. Natural tricks are to be preferred to conventional methods. Nevertheless, a professional like Axe Extermination is more appropriate to carry out a total and permanent elimination of these pests throughout the city of Montreal.